How to become a YardMate?
Do you have products or services to industry such as marine field (cruise lines, shipyards and their turn-key contractors), aviation companies, or other fields of industry? Or do you want to offer services to our own member companies? Check out our members and join us if you feel you have the needed services, products, tools or resources what it takes to solve challenges in the industry. Our current member companies ⇒ Members
Member benefits
- Direct contacts to decision makers of other members
- Request For Quotation portal (RFQ): Access for leaving quotes to customer assignments
- Product material support: Full-scale evaluation for your product/service. Hands-on support for creating product material. Members holding key solutions needed in the industry will be given possibility to meet and present material to decision makers.
- Motivating provision agreement to increase your sales!
- Visibility on the YardMate website
- Marketing activities to boost member company visibility
- Member meetings on an as-needed basis
- You can publish News at the YardMate front page
- You can announce jobs at the YardMate job portal
- Location: Hyvinkää, only 30 minutes from Ring III, Helsinki
- YardMate ‘Office’ staff at your service see ⇒ YardMate Office contacts Contact us for any question you may have!
Supreme conference pack:
- 50% Discount from seminar facilities of 225 seats, lobby, restaurant/pub, wireless mics and giant screen (movie theater).
- You can for example arrange an exhibition day in our 200+ seat conference hall (big movie theater). Includes
– the whole day from office hours to evening (07:00 – 23:00)
– lobby, restaurant/pub, wireless mics and giant screen
– hybrid tools for remote participants & lecturers
– bar and waitresses at your service - You can arrange private movie evening for your company and/or customers: Possibility to show any movie available in the world (Depending on movie 10 – 15 € per person, minimum 30 guests)