Mates right partner to right yard – via one channel

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YardMate is a consortium of over 100 companies supporting industry needs. Together we bring all the products, services, tools and resources to shipyards, cruise lines, aviation companies and other fields of industry. Our patented innovations will help companies make energy savings, decrease fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. We find and validate the right subcontractors and human resources for the projects in question. We open doors and create business opportunities for all our members to get more assignments in the industry. We grow – join us!

25.7.2024 in News

YardMate’s CEO about shipyards in Helsingin Sanomat

The most widely published newspaper HELSINKIN SANOMAT intervied Kari Härkönen,…

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19.7.2024 in News

Our CEO in Turun Sanomat about AI and ChatGPT

It is hard to predict future - even the very near future what comes the effect of artificial intelligence in the industry and job descriptions. Our CEO Kari Härkönen writes... Read More
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