Meet Jukka-Pekka Joutsen from our member company Kotopro
Who are you?
I am Jukka-Pekka Joutsen Sales Manger in Kotopro Oy. I have worked now in Kotorp 8 years. I have strong experience it-sell. Also I have 15 years of experience in building quality-, environmnet- and health and safety ISO-standard management systems.
What is your company specialized in?
Kotopro is mobile document application. Document at the site and make final notes with computer if needed. You can take pictures, write or dictate notes and receive a full report by one click with Kotopro. No more paperwork, sorting out pictures or revisiting the site! This way you need less working hours to earn exactly the same amount of payment.
Tell us about your clients and other key shareholders or partners?
We have all kind of customers all-around of Finland: Contractors, subcontractors, real estate management, industry, teaching, technical consulting, cleaning industry, job training, distance learning, Health and Welfare Sector, psychotherapy, healthcare and safety.
What services or products do you offer to other YardMate members?
Documentation becomes an easy part of the day-to-day work with Kotopro. You can authorize the people concerned to create or review documents for free. All documents and reports stay in one place for both management and clients to easily access and monitor during the work process.
What are your expectations for YardMate?
I look very keenly to meet YardMate members and how Kotopro can help in managing and growing their business.
What are your future needs regarding personnel?
Develop sells and communications skills.
What are your future needs regarding sub-contractors and partners?
I wait for good co-operation that lead win-win to both side.
Anything else you wish to say to us?
It is great to be part of the YardMate Members.