Financial administration, local and international, with flexibility and all the elements needed in maritime industry. Meet our member Rantalainen and Birgitta Nyholm.
Who are you?
Birgitta Nyholm, Account Manager at Rantalainen, responsible for Salo, Paimio, Turku and Uusikaupunki areas.
What is your company specialized in?
Rantalainen is your company’s trustworthy accounting specialist partner for the company’s full lifecycle. We are authorized by Taloushallintoliitto and serve you in 40 localities, by 600 specialists.
Our core competencies include accounting, payroll services, tax and other business law, cost accounting and breakeven. We are specialists in electronic accounting and use for example Procountor, Netvisor, Lemonsoft, Fivaldi, Jydacom and Dynamics Ax.
Tell us about your clients?
Our customer companies vary in size and come from numerous industries. Companies who wish to grow and need correct, up-to-date information to manage their economy benefit most from our expertise. We deliver financial statement level accounting to the customer monthly.
What services or products do you offer to other YardMate members?
Financial administration, outsourced partly or in full. Accounting, payroll services, creating budgets, cash flow forecasting and tax optimization, to name a few – always listening to the customer needs.
We are very strong in internationalization issues, know different countries’ tax agreements and payroll specifics. Our offices can provide accounting services that follow Swedish, Estonian or Russian legislation. We are also a member of Geneva Group International (GGI) specialist network that broadens our service offering by carefully selected services in 120 countries.
Financial and ERP systems are of vital importance for large companies especially in production industries. Rantalainen is software independent and can via extensive experience offer a well-functioning solution for example for maritime industry. We can integrate your ERP with a suitable accounting and payroll software and shall help you in identifying the right software palette.
You can see our services here.
What are your expectations for YardMate?
We wish to use our expertise and help maritime industry companies grow and develop to be even better.
What are your future needs regarding personnel?
We are at present looking for financial management specialists.
Anything else you wish to say to us?
We shall arrange a training for YardMate network members about specific issues related to international sales, in the coming autumn. Welcome! We’ll inform the network on details when we are closer to the date.
The training event is an excellent example of how the network cooperates, shares information, facilitates other companies’ business and creates shared benefits. Looking forward to seeing all the member companies there!.
Photos by Rantalainen/Studio Brahe and Annika Perho