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YardMate in Tekniikka ja Talous Newspaper

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YardMate’s CEO Kari Härkönen has been interviewed several times this summer regarding Germans and Finnish shipyards. Here’s the latest interview from the 27th of August, 2024. Link may require registration but the whole text is below the picture (In Finnish): READ IN TEKNIIKKA JA TALOUS

Nyt alkoi spekulointi Meyerin Turun telakan kohtalolla – Joutuuko valtio pian pelastamaan yhtiötä, kuten Saksassa kävi

Turun telakka on toistaiseksi kokonaan Meyerin perheen omistuksessa, ja sinne odotetaan suurtilausta minä päivänä tahansa. Nyt on noussut esille mahdollisuus, että Suomessakin valtio joutuisi pelastustoimiin.

Lukuaika noin 2 min

Tuula Laatikainen

Meyerin telakkayhtiön pelastusoperaatiota Saksassa on seurattu kesän ajan tarkasti myös suomalaisissa meriteollisuuden piireissä. Tällä hetkellä näyttää siltä, että 80–90 prosenttia Meyer Werftistä eli käytännössä Papenburgin telakasta on päätymässä Saksan valtion ja osavaltion omistukseen.

Kuuma kysymys on, miten Meyerin perheen omistaman Saksan-toimintojen valtiollistaminen vaikuttaa Turun telakan toimintaan.

Tilaa tästä T&T:n maksuton uutiskirje – Kokoamme kiinnostavimmat artikkelit sähköpostiisi joka päivä.
Asia on herkkä eikä asiantuntijoita ole jonoksi asti arvioimaan.

Turun telakka on Meyerin perheen omistuksessa, ja sinne odotetaan suurtilausta minä päivänä tahansa. Papenburgin telakkayhtiö Meyer Werft sai neljä suurtilausta äskettäin, ja silti Saksan valtion on pelastettava se konkurssilta.


Voi tulla eteen Suomessakin

Myös Suomessa väläytellään nyt Suomen valtion pelastustoimia Turussa.

Teollisuusliiton erikoistutkija Timo Eklund ehdottaa Ylelle, että tarpeen tullen Suomen valtion on tuettava Turun telakkaa. Hän odottaa ensi sijassa, että Turun telakka saa piakkoin uuden miljardiluokan tilauksen.

Toimitusjohtaja Kari Härkönen Yardmatesta on varma siitä, että tarvittaessa Suomen valtio tukisi Turun telakkaa taloudellisesti. Yardmate edustaa Turun telakan alihankkijoita.

”Turun telakka on toimittanut maailman suurimman ja hienoimman aluksen. Telakka tullaan pitämään keinolla millä hyvänsä toiminnassa jopa Suomen valtion tuella”, hän sanoo.

”Turun telakka on kansantaloudellisesti niin merkittävä työllistäjä, että on järkevää kierrättää työ valtion tuen kautta verrattuna siihen, että se kiertää kortiston kautta.”

Härkönen ei ole kuitenkaan kokonaisuudessaan huolissaan. Uusien tilausten suhteen hän on optimistinen.

Voi olla, ettei Turun telakalla ole tarvetta valtion pelastustoimille.

”Siellä on tilauskantaa ja neuvotteluja uusista tilauksista. On liian aikaista spekuloida, tarvitaanko tukea, mutta jos tulisi sellainen tilanne, meillä on valtion backup.”

Kari Härkönen Yardmatesta on vakuuttunut siitä, että Suomen valtio pelastaa tarvittaessa myös Turun telakan.


Saksaan yhteydet auki

Härkösen mukaan Yardmatessa ollaan odottavaisin mielin yhtiön muutoksista.

”Osaamme toimia uuden johdon kanssa.”

Hän korostaa alihankintaverkoston hyviä kontakteja Saksaan.

”Odotamme innolla yhteistyötä uuden johdon kanssa. Jatkossa täytyy pystyä todistamaan, että telakat toimivat optimoidusti ja kustannustehokkaasti. Meillä Yardmatessa on siihen alan viimeisin osaaminen.”

”Optimoimme muun muassa Helsingin Telakan aluksia ennen sodan alkamista.”

Meyer Turun rahoitustilanteeseen hän ei ota kantaa. Yhdistykseen kuuluvista yrityksistä monet tekevät alihankintaa Turun telakalle.

Kaikkiaan Turun telakalla on Suomessa tuhansia alihankkijoita.

Meet The Member – Valaistus MK Oy

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Who are you?
My name is Juhana Haukioja, entrepreneur and owner at Valaistus MK Oy.  

What is your company specialized in?
Valaistus MK Oy offers hands on service for interior designers and architects to choose the best lighting solutions for any space. We represent several European lighting manufacturers and do bespoke product tailoring to fullfill the demanding needs of public spaces, offices, maritime industry, hotels, and restaurants.

Tell us about your clients and other key shareholders or partners?
Since 2003 interior architects and designers have used Valaistus MK’s services to help design cost-effective yet still high-quality lighting solutions in thousands of hotel rooms, suites, restaurants, and cabins. We have delivered lighting fixtures all around the world no matter where the project takes place. With our trusted partners we can do even the most demanding, completely custom lighting solutions without restriction to certain material types.

What services or products do you offer to other YardMate members?
First of all we offer more competitive pricing for any type of luminaires. As we know from the bigger projects every euro matters in the competition and our job is to make sure that you are not losing the project because of too expensive light fixtures. Via co-operation we can specify high-quality yet cost effective products to fulfill the needs required.

Our motto is “Don’t spend money to the basic stuff but focus on the most meaningful eyecatchers that you will be remembered by.”

What are your expectations for YardMate?
We expect to find long-term, trustful partnerships from the YardMate’s Members and to win and sometimes lose projects together in the industry.

What are your future needs regarding personnel?
We have everything ready to go and we have our own subcontractor networks if required when necessary.

What are your future needs regarding sub-contractors and partners?
We need to meet the interior architects and designers as early as possible to help them in their work also in the future projects we need to co-operate with electrical design and installation companies to do the correct solutions starting from the design table. That’s how the most cost-effective solutions are made of.

Anything else you wish to say to us?
Have a great day and let’s make brighter tomorrow together 💡

Meet The Member – ERA Group

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Who are you?
My name is Jari Torkkola, and I am a partner in the ERA Group network.


What is your company specialized in?
ERA Group boasts a global network of industry specialists, each bringing a wealth of knowledge and insight from their extensive and successful careers in their areas of expertise. Our team is ready to deliver local knowledge to your region, working alongside your business to enhance performance, reduce costs, and improve financial flexibility.

Tell us about your clients and other key shareholders or partners?
At ERA Group, our analysts leverage their deep understanding of supplier industries to empower your organization with the insights and capabilities needed for making best-in-class purchasing decisions.

Our analysts, each with an average of 20 years of industry and category-specific experience, are committed to comprehending the distinct aspects of the specific supplier industries and cost categories they manage. The collective expertise of our analysts encompasses over 40 common expense areas, including but not limited to Facility and Property Management, Logistics and Distribution, and Telecommunications and ICT Technology.

What services or products do you offer to other YardMate members?
As one of the world’s leading specialists in cost management, ERA Group is dedicated to optimizing your business costs and discovering innovative solutions tailored to your company’s needs. The savings achieved result from our comprehensive subject knowledge, professional negotiations with suppliers, and our qualitative assessment of their performance versus your needs.

For many organizations, this entails integrating logistics at each stage of the product’s lifecycle, from raw material transport and packaging to warehousing products and managing transportation/shipping. ERA assists businesses in managing expenses related to their supplier base, including 3PL logistics, fleet management, small package freight, and warehousing. By reviewing clients’ supplier relationships and expenses, ERA identifies potential savings opportunities.

When these opportunities are realized, organizations can enhance their cash flow by reinvesting those savings back into their business.


What are your expectations for YardMate?
We aim to offer comprehensive support to shipyards, cruise lines, and aviation companies through YardMate, enhancing their operations and efficiency.

What are your future needs regarding sub-contractors and partners?
We are constantly looking for opportunities to collaborate with other companies. If you have any proposals or ideas, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. We value innovative partnerships and are keen to explore how we can work together for mutual benefit.

Anything else you wish to say to us?
If there are any concepts or opportunities you’re interested in discussing, I encourage you to contact me. I’m open to conversations that could lead to fruitful collaborations. Let’s connect and explore potential ventures together.


B2B Networking Event in Hyvinkää

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Thank you for all the participants from YardMate and other companies who joined us on B2B-Networking in Hyvinkää, Friday the 2nd of February. We had only 2 weeks time to put this gathering together and to invite companies, so over 100 firm representatives is a very good result.

Program included
– free networing
– opening new cooperation between companies
– LUOTTOMIES movie, the fun part 🙂
– Interview: Mr. Luottomies Antti Luusuaniemi (head actor)
– Open Mic for partner companies to tell about their business

More such happenings must be arranged during the year, so STAY TUNED!

Meet The Member – Westa Steel

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Who are you?
My name is Marius Klovas , owner of the company and working as managing director at JSC WESTA STEEL which was established 14 years ago.

What is your company specialized in?
Main fields of activity: manufacturing, production of standard and non-standard metal structures, carbon and stainless steel tanks, pressure tanks, siloses, modules, containers, vessels parts, various equipment.

Ship building and ship repair works.

CNC milling, turning, aluminum casting, anodizing, thermoplastic coating, pouder coating.

We carry out engineering and designing of projects, 3D modeling, Tekla programing.

Technical insulation of pipelines, tanks, boilers.

Scaffolding systems for the industrial market.

Erection, dismantling and rental of scaffolding structures. 

Tell us about your clients and other key shareholders or partners?
Westa Steel gathered several companies in there small city. Group of companies have all EN required certificates form manufacturing and activities, like EN-1090; ISO3834;  ISO14000; ISO9001.

All of  our clients are form Europe. mostly Lithuania, Latvia, Belgium, Germany.

What services or products do you offer to other YardMate members?
We can provide your company, projects with qualified  welders, installers, fitters, assemblers  for industrial and ship building industry.

Our goal is to integrate our activity in ship building industry.

What are your expectations for YardMate?
It would be great to work in shipyard sector and to develop the industry in bigger success. To find more interested projects  were we could participate together with other partners from Yeardmate.

What are your future needs regarding personnel?
Our future need regarding personnel is optimistic. Would be grate to find  Finish employees or agents who could be interested in finding new clients and to find new possibilities for the company.

What are your future needs regarding sub-contractors and partners?
To find  reliable and creative contractors, partners for our company who are ready for Vision….to better goals..

Anything else you wish to say to us?
Hopefully this platform will be one more key to better Business relliationship.



YardMate’s Artwave: the world’s smartest surf technology

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A lot to say but when one of the most well-known surfer’s magazine sends their journalist to dig out what we have invented up here in Nordics you have to be proud of your achievement. YardMate is a consortium of over one hundreds members and the member company Artwave Surf holds one of our main innovations that has been noticed globally. Beside negotiations with the world’s largest cruise lines we are also getting attention from the actual target audience – surfers!

We collect here articles that seems to show up at least on weekly basis now!

Read SURFERTODAY’s article here!

Read Wave Pool Magazine’s article here!